Quick Start Guide for DJI M300/M350

This Quick Start Guide provides the first steps needed to operate any of the AP-LiDAR Series Gen II sensors with the DJI M350 drone.

Install the GNSS antennas

Use the M3 screws provided as indicated using thread-lock.

Install one of the GNSS antennas provided on the Rear-Right arm of the DJI M350 RTK as shown, all the way to the back so the antenna mount touches the motor mount.

Install the other GNSS antenna provided on the Rear-Left arm.

Secure the antenna cables with the velcro straps provided.

Caution: Avoid over-tightening the screws, which could damage the carbon fiber tube. The screws are sufficiently tighten when the antenna mount does not rotate around the tube.

Mount the sensor on the M350

Insert the Flash Drive into the sensor and connect AP-LiDAR Series Gen Il to the DJI M350 RTK SKYPORT connector. Make sure it is well attached with the two red dots aligned. Connect each antenna cable to its corresponding connector. The antenna on the Rear-Right arm connects to the R Port and the antenna on the Rear-Left arm connects to the L Port. Pull slightly from the cable to check they are properly locked.

Plan a mission on the DJI Pilot App

On the DJl Pilot 2 App, plan an Area Route mission using a Custom Camera with the parameters.

Set the lateral overlap between 25% to 50%, depending on the point density required. Set the speed between 1 to 10 m/s, again depending on point density required and the route height between 20 to 150 m.

Start LiDAR capture and execute the mission

When ready to execute your planned mission, power on the drone. The LiDAR sensor will start loading with the LED blinking blue. Once its ready for data capture, the LED will turn solid green.

Before takeoff, push the REC button to start capturing LiDAR data. The LED will turn solid red, then fly your mission as usual. There is no need for calibration figures or special paths.

After landing, push the REC button to stop recoding. The LED will start blinking magenta, indicating that the Flash Drive is busy. Once it is ready, the LED will go back to solid green.

Process your LiDAR data on the field, just after landing

Remove the Flash Drive from the LiDAR sensor and connect it to the iPad to process the data as described in the tutorial.

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